Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 4/26/16; 3/14/24

All personal injuries and accidents must be reported to your immediate supervisor. The supervisor will fill out an 事故/事件报告, as required by the Occupational Safety and 健康 Administration, and will send it to the Human Resources 办公室一旦完成. A report must be completed for accidents and injuries on campus regardless of whether medical attention is required. 公共安全部门将完成一项 事故/事件报告 in all cases where 公共安全 responds to a call for assistance involving accidents, 受伤或医疗紧急情况.

员工 requiring non-emergency medical treatment for an injury on the job must 立即向他们的主管报告. 主管或员工将报告 the injury to DOAS by calling 877-656-7475 and then calling Amerisys at 678-781-2848. The employee will contact the Human Resources Office for instructions on obtaining appropriate services after the injury has been reported to DOAS. 员工受伤 on the job who need immediate medical attention must proceed to the nearest emergency 医疗机构或拨打911. 在你急诊入院后,你或你的 designated representative must notify Amerisys Managed Care of your injury by calling 678-781-2848. 员工 requiring Deviation from the approved Workers Compensation Panel of Physicians may result in non-payment of the claim by the Department of Administrative 服务.

If a student, faculty, staff, or visitor experiences serious injury or a life-threatening medical emergency, E-911 will be notified immediately by the faculty member, supervisor, 或者是第一个到现场的人. The person calling E-911 should be prepared to give 尽可能多的信息,比如 location, number of people injured, cause of injury, and any hazards that may be present. EGSC 公共安全 will endeavor to provide immediate transport to the hospital when 救护车延误或无法到达. If it safe to do so, the faculty member, supervisor, or first person on scene will remain with the injured person(s) until 公共安全 到达 and/or the individual is transported for medical attention.

In non-emergency cases of accident or injury, 公共安全 will be notified of the 需要送医. 如果警察不在,公共安全 will arrange for another available college employee to provide transport. 公共安全 or other college employees providing transport will remain with the injured until 家庭成员到达或接到通知.

公共安全 or other college employees providing transport will notify Human Resources of injured employees transported to the hospital and Human Resources will maintain 与受伤员工联系. 公共安全 will notify the Provost or designee 受伤的学生被送往医院. 教务长或指定人员将维护 与受伤学生联系.


College personnel will immediately notify 公共安全 if an individual experiences 校园里的心理健康危机. 报告方或现场第一人 will remain with the individual (or remain at a safe distance for observation purposes) 直到公共安全到达. 公共安全 will evaluate the situation and if necessary, seek assistance from behavioral health professionals.

If the person in crisis is a student, 公共安全 will seek assistance from Uwill’s Crisis Connection at 1-833-646-1527 and/or the College’s Counseling and Accessibility 服务办公室.

If the person in crisis is an employee of the College or a visitor, 公共安全 will seek assistance from Georgia’s Crisis and Access Line by dialing 988.

If it is believed the person in crisis should be transported to a hospital for assessment, and the person in crisis consents, 公共安全 and/or an EGSC counselor will remain with them (or remain at a safe distance for observation purposes) until an ambulance 到达. If an ambulance is unavailable, 公共安全 will endeavor to transport 把那个人送到医院去. 公共安全 will remain at the hospital until a 值得信赖的朋友或家人来了.

If a sworn campus police officer has probable cause to believe a person in crisis requires involuntary treatment, the officer may take the affected individual into custody based upon court order or authorization from one of the following: a physician, psychologist, clinical social worker, licensed professional counselor, marriage and family therapist, or clinical nurse specialist in psychiatric / mental health. To authorize transport, probable cause must exist to believe the person requires an examination to determine the need for involuntary treatment. 公共安全部门会安排 person in crisis’ transport to the nearest available emergency receiving facility. A written report detailing the circumstances under which the person in crisis was taken into custody shall be submitted to the College’s Chief of Police / Director 公共安全.

公共安全 will notify Human Resources when an employee is transported. 公共 Safety will notify the Provost or designee when a student is transported. 每个人将 maintain contact with the employee or student, respectively.